Profile pages changed to something like this a month or two ago:
If user hasn't set a profile image, then the "avatar blue" image is shown instead, like in the picture above. But in blogs' comments section, these users' avatars display the

First I suggest you install avatar for anonymous commenters, so you will have the

Open your blog template html, edit widget templates. Find the widget block that begins with the following line:
<b:includable id='comments' var='post'>Then find this line that ends the comments includable block:
</b:includable>If you want the jQuery solution, insert this before </b:includable>:
<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ $("#comments-block img[src$=''][width$='16']").attr("src", ""); //]]> </script>(Double click to select for copying.) If you use jQuery, you need to have jQuery loaded somewhere in your blog's template page. Or if you want the non-jQuery solution, insert this before </b:includable>:
<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ if(document.getElementById("comments-block")) document.getElementById("comments-block").innerHTML = document.getElementById("comments-block").innerHTML.replace(/http:\/\/img2\.blogblog\.com\/img\/b16-rounded\.gif/g, ""); //]]> </script>(Double click to select for copying.) Choose either, don't use both. "Avatar blue" image is uploaded to my Picasa web album, so different sizes can be fetched easily. This hack goes nicely with my recent comments hack, which is also able to substitute the

Click on a single comment to hide/show its text
what different if we have add it on css area!!!
.avatar-image-container img {
bla bla bla
@Beben Koben
I don't know if that is possible. CSS can only set img background, and the src-image overlays it. So I think the src attribute of the img must be changed, and that cannot be done in CSS. But if you figure out how, that would be great.
avatar-image-container is the default CSS for bloggers. (look resource ;))
and if there is no photo, it will show blank image resolution of 1x1 px by bloggers!
@Beben Koben
You are right, and that is what avatar for anonymous commenters hack is based on. But that is another story, same technique does not apply here, because the image in this case is not blank -> src must be changed.
what about b36-rounded
thanks for the help provided in this page. it makes my work a bit easy.
sorry buy it doesn't work on my side :(
@Greeg Gimongala
your blog uses dynamic view (template), and unfortunately this (and most of my hacks) don't work on dynamic views.
Thank you for sharing this information
It's remarkable. The way you describe the information is awesome. This will really help me out. Thanks for sharing.
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তাই এগুলো ব্যবহার করুন।
See the hack to make the 'Post a Comment' link bigger.
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