Graphical link
Open your template design, and edit the html. Find </body> tag, and before that insert this code:
<a href='/view' style='display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:4px;right:4px;' title='Try the new dynamic views!'><img src=''/></a>
This creates a link, which position is fixed to the downright corner of the window. The link itself is an image, a sticker-like Blogger icon, which I downloaded and resized from You can use other image as well, just replace the img's src parameter value. Possibly it would be better, if you uploaded the icon to your own server space or Picasa web albums instead of tinypic. You can also change link position and the dynamic view style that is opened.
Text link
This one obviously needs no image. Open your template design, and edit the html. Find </body> tag, and before that insert this code:
<a href='/view/sidebar' style='display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:4px;right:4px;background-color:rgba(192,255,192,0.6);' title='Try the new dynamic views!'>[ Dynamic views ]</a>
This creates a link, which position is fixed to the downright corner of the window. The link itself is semi-transparent text. You can change link colors, transparency and position. And you can also style the link using css, to use hover etc, if you know how to.
Only on index-type pages
If you want, you can show the link only on index-type pages (index, search), with conditional tags, like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<a href='/view/sidebar' style='display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:4px;right:4px;background-color:rgba(192,255,192,0.6);' title='Try the new dynamic views!'>[ Dynamic views ]</a>
Hope you liked this tip
Superb Blog, I like it
See the hack to make the 'Post a Comment' link bigger.
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