I just quickly made some gradients using the colors in my blog – and here is the CSS for these:
.sidebar .widget h2 { padding:1px 0 1px 3px; background:url() 100% 100%; } input.gsc-search-button { background:url() 100% 100% !important; }(double click to select for copying)
Click on a single comment to hide/show its text
Hello I think you could help me with these 2 doubts, It's not about this post but didn't find a post for this
Doubt 1) how can I reduce the space at right side of the blog? see this image http://goo.gl/U388O
It's the awesome templates, I could reduce the other spaces but not this
Doubt 2) Is there any way of in a particular post the post be more width? Because I'd like make a post that cover all the screen, on that case the total width of the blog will increase, I'll be also in the awesome templates
Hi Ariel,
unfortunately I'm not familiar with those templates. But I'll give you some tips which might be useful:
I think that space comes from some margin or margin-right definition.
When editing html pages/styles, I use Google Chrome and "Inspect element" functionality, it shows you the styles of the elements and you can even modify them on the fly and see what the changes do.
On some templates (like Simple) you can make posts area wider, but it is always for all posts and whole blog. There might be some templates that have dynamic post width (depends on the browser window width), or wider width in single post view.
A good place to ask template questions is the Layouts and Templates forum in Blogger forums.
Thanks, and my comment has nothing to do with your tutorial delete all, I have already read your answer
And thank for so fast answer! bye
See the hack to make the 'Post a Comment' link bigger.
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