
Sunday, November 27, 2011


CSS styling with gradients

A little while ago I made my gradient PNG data URI tool for the comment bubble CSS. Gradients can be used many ways in CSS. I just styled two elements on this blog, the sidebar gadget titles, and the search button(s):

I just quickly made some gradients using the colors in my blog – and here is the CSS for these:
.sidebar .widget h2 {
padding:1px 0 1px 3px;
background:url() 100% 100%;
input.gsc-search-button {
background:url() 100% 100% !important;
(double click to select for copying)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Second quickedit pencil for Blogspot post

I have sometimes chased the quickedit pencil from the bottom of the post, to edit the post. Especially if you have many comments on a long blog post, the pencil is somewhere in the middle of the page, and can be a bit tedious to find. I have often thought, that only if the quickedit pencil would be at the top of the post...

Yesterday I saw a feature suggestion in Blogger forums for a second quickedit pencil. So someone else had chased the pencil, too. :) This finally gave me the push to make this simple hack. It adds a second quickedit pencil to the upper right corner of a post.

Installation is easy. Open your template html, click Expand Widget Templates, find line:
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
And just after that line, add this:
<!-- extra quickedit pencil / MS-potilas -->
<span style='float:right;margin-right:-25px;'><b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/></span>
or add this, if you want the extra pencil only to appear when post page is opened (not shown on front page):
<!-- extra quickedit pencil / MS-potilas -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<span style='float:right;margin-right:-25px;'><b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/></span>
Save template.

Note, that quickedit pencils are displayed only when administrator is logged in and viewing the blog. So you won't see the pencils on this blog, just on your own blog(s).

Monday, November 21, 2011


Fine tune your blog's Google custom search

If you use custom Google search in your blog, you may find these tips useful. Excluding pages by meta robots and robots.txt affect also custom Google search results, but here are some tips and hacks to further fine tune your blog's custom Google search, or Custom Search Engine (later CSE), search results.

Open search results in the same window

By default CSE gadget opens the results in new window (link target="_blank"). To change links open in the same window (target="_top"), edit your CSE search gadget code and find line:
After that add line (double click to select for copying):

Set thumbnail for a post

Automatic thumbnails were introduced to CSE a little while ago. For some posts you may want to define the thumbnail manually. For example, I have some posts with picture slideshow, and automatic thumbnailing does not find the slideshow pictures, but I can specify the thumbnail manually instead. The easiest way is to use "meta thumbnail" in the post text. Edit post as html and add following code (double click to select for copying):
<meta name="thumbnail" content="" />
Use your own image url in content. I use the "s288" size from Picasa web albums, that should not be too big or too small. You can specify the meta in body text (post text), even if the documentation says it must be in head section, reference: Custom Help Search forums.

No thumbnail for a post (or a page)

Edit post (or page) text in html, add this code to text (double click to select for copying):
<!-- <PageMap><DataObject type="thumbnail" /></PageMap> -->
Be careful not to use the Compose tab – if you switch from html to Compose mode and back to html, the html comments (and so also the PageMap) are gone.

No thumbnail for archive pages

You can set a page to have no thumbnail using a PageMap. For example, to remove thumbnails from archive pages, open template html, find line <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> and put this code before it (double click to select for copying):
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
&lt;!-- &lt;PageMap&gt;&lt;DataObject type=&quot;thumbnail&quot; /&gt;&lt;/PageMap&gt; --&gt;

Excluding pages from CSE search results

These exclusions are made in CSE control panel. Select Sites, Excluded sites, click Add sites. For most times the selection "Exclude just this specific page or URL pattern I have entered" is best.

To exclude all archive pages, use pattern: **_archive.html
To exclude a static page, use url of the page.
To exclude all static pages, for whatever reason, use pattern: **.html

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Block robots from specific page(s) in a Blogspot blog

If you want to have your blog indexed by search engines, you might still have some pages in your blog that you don't want the robots to crawl. You cannot control robots.txt file in Blogger, but you can use conditionals and "meta robots" to restrict individual pages from well-behaving robots (like Google).

For example, I have EmailMeForm contact form, which I have set to redirect to a "thank you" page after the form is submitted. I decided to block this static "thank you" page from being indexed.

To block a static page, put this code somewhere in the template html "<head> area" (before </head>), for example before line <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>:
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;;'> 
  <meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>
Fix the url to actual url of the page in your blog (in my blog it was

Note, that the above code itself does not hide single posts very well, only static pages, because posts are listed on front page and archive pages, too, where search robot would get the contents of the post.

You could turn off the indexing of post archive pages, like this:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'> 
  <meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>
I have not tried this one, but it might trim down the number of search results, which may be desirable. If you use Google CSE in your blog, you can trim down the CSE search results by excluding **_archive.html url pattern from CSE Sites, but that is another story.

And this is how to hide all static pages, whatever the reason may be, from robots:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'>
  <meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Custom Google Search / CSE and automatic thumbnails

I have replaced the non-working sidebar search gadget with custom Google search or Custom Search Engine (CSE – why must they have all these different names for things, and CSE also stands for Custom Search Element...) and a gadget (or widget) for that: How to add Custom Google Search to your Blogspot blog. Also my navbar search is hooked to this CSE search.

Last week or so I noticed (in my MS-potilas blog) that the search results included thumbnails. Very good looking. Here's a post about automatic thumbnails in Google Custom Search blog: Thumbnail images in search results -- no work required!

This YABTB blog has not many pictures, but here's one example, search results with search gadget and CSE gadget:

It may be that default search gadget, which is based on Google blogsearch, will get thumbnails eventually, too, but until then I think CSE search results are way better looking than the default gadget's. Even if the default search gadged works for you, thumbnails for search results might be the reason to choose CSE instead.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Combined CSS and image comment bubbles

This article concludes my three part comment bubble article series. If you want comment bubbles in your Blogspot blog, you can pick one these three hacks.

1. Comment bubbles using only CSS
2. Comment bubbles using an image
3. Combined solution, which uses CSS whenever possible (installed in this blog)

As I explained in the CSS only comment bubble hack article, Internet Explorer does not support all CSS needed for rounded comment bubbles with gradient background. And the support varies from version to version.

Internet Explorer 8 and lower

I start with the "CSS only" hack installed, and then add there stuff for different Internet Explorer versions.

IE8 and lower don't have rounded corners and IE7 does not support :after, so I decided simply to use a comment bubble image, when IE version is lower than 9. First I thought that I'll use conditional comments like this:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
..stuff for ie versions below 9..

But after trial and error I found out that it was not so easy. I learned that the browser version number does not actually determine the CSS capabilities, but the document mode (compatibility mode) instead. Well at least in Blogspot blogs, and that's where I'm targeting with my code.

I finally came up with this solution for IE (documentMode) < 9:

<!--[if IE]><script type='text/javascript'>
if(typeof document.documentMode == 'undefined' || document.documentMode < 9)
document.write('<style type="text/css"> a.comment-bubble { background:url( no-repeat;width:36px;height:26px;border:0;padding-top:3px;} a.comment-bubble:after { border:0; };</style>');

That code is placed somewhere after template stylesheet and before </body>. The javascript is seen and runs only on IE. If documentMode < 9 (IE8, IE7, ...), new style definitions are written: bubble background uses an image, set width and height, no border and right padding, and for a:after remove the border that made the triangle. Basically make comment-bubble use same styles as in the image comment bubble hack.

Internet Explorer 9

As we saw in the CSS only comment bubble hack, IE9 does quite well with the comment bubble CSS: only the gradient background is missing. There is a filter provided by Microsoft to make gradients, but that messes the rounded corners. There are workarounds for that, too, but I chose another way: I made a gradient background image and encoded it in base64 to make a data URI, so it could be directly embedded in CSS without external file. Background image is correctly clipped by the rounded corners.

So the comment bubble CSS became:

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Line 15 is new (compared to CSS only solution) and contains the gradient for IE9. Because it is before the background gradient definitions, they override it on browsers that support gradients. And on IE8 and below the background is later reset to use an image (see previous chapter).

The discovery of data URIs base64 gradient PNG lead me do a simple linear gradient tool for making embeddable gradient backgrounds.

Complex solution?

So, is there any point in this complex solution, one might ask. Well, to be honest, I don't know :) You might prefer to use either CSS only or image only solution, for simplicity. I could also have used either, but this way I learned more. In a year or two Internet Explorer will do CSS comment bubbles, too, and then these browser version dependend hacks won't be needed anymore.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Comment bubbles for Blogger using an image

Similar hacks have been available before, this one adds nothing new or special to them, except the CSS code may be a bit tidier. Some might want to use this in their Blogspot blog for its simplicity: the same version gives same results in all browsers, and the CSS code is not long.

In this blog I use a combined method that uses CSS3 whenever supported, so this image comment bubble hack is not installed in this blog, instead a combination of this hack and the CSS3 comment bubble hack, more about that in this post.

Add comment count code

First we will add the link to "post.url#comments" next to the post title. Open your template html, and expand widget templates. Find lines:
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
  <div class='post hentry'>
    <a expr:name=''/>
    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
      <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
After those lines add (doubleclick to select for copying):
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'><a class='comment-bubble' expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#comments&quot;' expr:title='&quot;Comments to &amp;quot;&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;&amp;quot;&quot;'><data:post.numComments/></a></b:if>
Save the template.

Add CSS for comment bubbles

If you want to have own bubble image, first you need to upload the comment bubble image to some server, to your Picasa web album, for example, and get its url address. I use this image uploaded to my Picasa web album, its url is

Then go to Template designer, choose Advanced, Add CSS. Add the following simple CSS definition:

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Change image url, if you want, and image width and height. Paddings can be changed to change text position inside the comment bubble image. Apply to blog – comment bubbles are installed.


Pure CSS3 comment bubbles for Blogger

A week ago or so I implemented the comment bubbles for this blog. There are some comment bubble hacks for Blogger that use image, but I found none with CSS3 bubbles, so that is what I started from. I show in this article, how you can make CSS3 comment bubbles like this for Blogger.

"Pure" in this context means that I don't use images. I really don't know much CSS so I don't know if the product-dependent -webkit-, -moz- and -o- style settings are "pure CSS3" or not.

Browsers like Firefox, Opera and Chome already support CSS3, and soon also Internet Explorer will, so you might already want to have this clean CSS only solution in your blog. It also loads a bit quicker without external images that cause http request. This CSS solution degrades to quite nice looking and usable element on Internet Explorers (version 9 and below), too, see the end of this article.

Because CSS3 is not fully supported by Internet Explorer versions below 10, in this blog I expanded this CSS only solution to use image in IE8 and below, and CSS + gradient data URI in IE9. So this CSS only hack is not installed in this blog. I'll tell you about "pure image comment bubbles" and the combined solution in later articles.

Add comment count code

First we add the link to "post.url#comments" next to the post title, where link's text is the number of comments in that post. Open your template html, and expand widget templates. Find lines:
<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
  <div class='post hentry'>
    <a expr:name=''/>
    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
      <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
After those lines add (doubleclick to select for copying):
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'><a class='comment-bubble' expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#comments&quot;' expr:title='&quot;Comments to &amp;quot;&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;&amp;quot;&quot;'><data:post.numComments/></a></b:if>
Save the template.

Add CSS for comment bubbles

I chose the colors for my bubbles like this, you might want to use some other colors that suit your template:

Go to Template designer, choose Advanced, Add CSS. Add the following CSS:

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Apply to blog. And you have your CSS comment bubbles!

This hack and Internet Explorer

In IE7 and below the bubble is only a rectangle with borders and solid background color.
In IE8 the comment bubble has solid background color and no rounded borders.
IE9 does quite well, only the gradient background is missing (background is solid color).

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Gradient PNG data URI maker reference

As I mentioned when I posted the new version of my AppEngine application, I also added a new feature to the application. When I was implementing the comment bubbles, I learned about data URIs (or data: URIs). Data URI is a Uniform Resource Identifier. URLs are URIs, too, only data URIs do not contain address to the data, but instead the data itself. For example, small images! Data URIs are supported by all major browsers and by Internet Explorer version 8 and higher.

Read more, blog article: Data URIs explained.
Convert any data to data URI: The data: URI kitchen.

I implemented the button gradient for IE9 using gradient PNG data URI. I made the PNG with GIMP, saved without any extra data, run "base64 gradient.png", added "data:image/png;base64," in front of the output and there was my data URI for CSS. Still, quite a lot of work, for example if you change colors, you have to do this all over again. I tried to find a tool to automate this, but did not find, so I implemented it in my Google AppEngine application.

The gradient tool uses url parameters, although I have also made a front end tool for it. Url parameters work like this:

C1C1C1 is top color (or left color in horizontal gradient), 000000-FFFFFF
C2C2C2 is bottom color (or right color in horizontal gradient), 000000-FFFFFF
H is gradient image height, integer 1-4096
W is gradient image width, integer 1-4096


Usually either H or W is 1 to optimize png size, and image is repeated to make it fill the whole background of an element, in the example h=10 so the image can be seen better, but in production version you would use h=1. H x W cannot be more than 4096, but this should be sufficient.

You don't and cannot embed the call to gradient tool into your template or page. Instead, you use the tool, get the data URI and put that in your template/page.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My Google App Engine Python application evolved

Couple of weeks ago I made my first Google App Engine application, using a new language for me, Python. It is made to fetch Blogger user avatars using Blogger userID. It worked/works ok, but I did some improvements to code, some structuring and formatting, generalized tag searching from html, etc.

Yesterday, as a deviation of making the comment bubbles, I added a completely new function to that application: a tool to make gradient PNG data URIs, which can be used in CSS, for example. The avatar part of the application functions just like before. I will tell you more about the gradient PNG data URI tool later in another article, and the comment bubbles, too, but here's the revised code (in my versioning it is version number 4):

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Again, if you have any ideas for the code, please comment. There was a minor html bug (which did not affect functionality) in the previous version, also one "None" comparison made with "==", unnecessary parenthesis, etc, and nobody told me! :)

2011 Dec 14th, v4.01: Load also the new default icon from ""
2011 Dec 18th, v4.02: Increased timeout from 5 to 15 in loading blogger profile pages, also handle download errors.
2012 March 14th, newest version 5 here.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Welcome to YABTB

Welcome to my Blogger tips and hacks blog. This is a real sticky post, without date hassling. Learn how you can make real sticky posts in your Blogspot blog. See also these hacks and tips of interest:


Real Sticky posts for Blogger

Sticky post(s) can be useful in a blog, as a featured post, as a notification of an upcoming event, some general info about blog, etc. Again, Wordpress, from where I migrated to Blogger, has this feature. And Blogger does not.

There has been two "hacks" around, until now, to make kind of sticky posts in Blogger, but both have big problems. But maybe one of them suits you, so I'll tell you about these shortly.

Date hack - not good

Publish your post. Edit the post after publishing, under Post Options set post date to somewhere in the future (for example year 2020). Now this post will be the first post in your blog, until 2020 or until you edit the date.

Problem: Messes blog's RSS feed. Your sticky post will be the latest post in the feed until 2020, and so people won't see updates from your blog in services that use RSS. This is bad.
Problem: Your post shows that it is published in the future. You can make code to hide the date but it gets complicated.

Gadget hack - not good

Go to Design, Page Layout, add HTML/Javascript gadget to page, and move it to just above the posts section. Don't give the gadget a title, write your sticky "post" in HTML to look as a post. One variation of this is to edit template html and put the "post" there.

Problem: It is not a post. You cannot comment it. You cannot see it in blog archives. And it does not appear in your Blog RSS feed, either. So for example, if you announce some upcoming event this way, your feed followers won't see it, unless they open your blog page.
Problem: your gadget/template html is shown on every page in your blog, unless you add some code to show it only on the first page, and this gets complicated.

Here is my gadget sticky post hack, with the latter problem solved. It may be a good solution for some blogs, so check it out, here's a demo.

Real sticky posts - excellent!

Sticky post should be a post, with normal publishing date, appearing in Blog feed. It should be easy to make a post sticky, and make a sticky post normal. Sticky posts should have a way to look different from normal posts.

My solution fulfills these requirements. Script pulls the sticky posts from the blog feed, so blog feed must be enabled in blog's settings. And also because blog feed is needed, my sticky posts hack don't unfortunately work in private blogs. You can control posts' sticky state simply by giving post a label, default is "sticky" but you can change that if you want. You can set how many sticky posts are shown at most, and if more "sticky" labels are found than this amount, then the newest posts are shown.


Edit template html. Put this code just before </body>.

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Normally posts posted in same day are grouped together in Blogger layout templates, into same div element. Because of this, if you post a sticky post and a normal post with same date, also the normal post is removed from the page when sticky post is removed and placed on top of the page. To prevent this, you may want to install a simple hack to show dates on all posts, which breaks down the "daily groups". But if you never post two posts in the same day, or edit the sticky posts' dates to be different from any other post, then it is not necessary.


You may edit the CSS styles for stickies-container and sticky-post, and configure the following javascript variables:

stickyLabel: the label which turns a post into a sticky post
maxStickies: maximum number of posts displayed as sticky, 1-20 (don't overdo it)
showDate: show date or not, you may want to hide it
showTitle: show post title or not
showFooter: you may want to hide the whole footer
showPostedBy: show Posted By text in footer
showCommentLink: show link to comments in footer
showLabels: show post labels in footer
showStickyLabel: show also the sticky label in the labels list, or hide it
showEmailPost: show Email Post button
showShareButtons: show the sharebuttons group or not
showShareEmail: show email button in sharebuttons
showShareBlog: show blog button in sharebuttons
showShareTwitter: show twitter button in sharebuttons
showShareFacebook: show facebook button in sharebuttons
showSharePlusone: show plus one button in sharebuttons
widthPlusone: you may want to limit this, small enough and text disappears
txtComment: singular form, used in sentence "1 comment", just the text, without number
txtComments: plural form, used in sentence "# comments", just the text, without number
txtPostedBy: text in Posted by, can have variables [user] and [time]
txtLabels: text preceding the labels list
txtMore: "Read more »" text for posts with a jump break.
dynamicMore: if true, jump break text (after "more link") is revealed dynamically
txtHideMore: text of the link to hide "more text", if dynamicMore is used (true)

Using a jump break in a sticky post may be a good idea, so that the sticky post don't become too tall. With variable setting dynamicMore=true the rest of the sticky post is revealed dynamically, which looks great and is faster than a full page load.

You can move the CSS style declarations to body section of the template, if you want, and add more styles to style the sticky posts (know your way around).

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Return of the Better Recent Comments gadget

Update Dec 29th 2011. You might be interested of the newer version: Son of the better recent comments gadget.
Just few days ago I made a javascript gadget for Blogger that displays recent comments similarly to the Recent Comments in Gadget directory, but better. Also has some extra functionality, and bugs fixed, of course.

I did not stop there, I now present the newest "Return of the Better Recent Comments". Who would not like to have recent comments like these two examples? (right one is in Finnish, from my MS-potilas blog)


- all options and features that my previous version had
- displays either anonymous (mystery man) icon, site favicon or blogger profile icon
- you can customize "header" and "footer" and tooltip text
- your (blog author) comments can be displayed differently (CSS styling)
- more options to make this suit also bigger blogs
- I think I forgot something...

To get the blogger avatars, I had to make a Python app with Google App Engine (here is the newer, current version), because it is not possible to get them by only javascript. Blogger avatars can be turned off to make gadget run faster, site favicons will then still be used (for example, B icon for Bloggers).

Here is the code. You can put this in HTML/Javascript gadget.

Data provided by - Download Raw


There is some CSS at first, it can be changed to your liking. After that there comes javascript block and configurable variables. Here is a list of them and a short explanation.

numRecentComments: how many comments you want displayed
numPerPost: how many comments per post max is the goal (will fallback when necessary)
maxCommentChars: how many chars max in excerpt of comment
maxPostTitleChars: how long post title can be, or 0 (=don't cut title)
txtWrote: header text, links to comment
txtMore: footer text, links to comment
txtToolTip: text to be shown when mouse hovers over comment
txtAnonymous: "Anonymous" username localized, or empty if English text "Anonymous" is to be used
getTitles: fetch titles from post feed; if false, titles are generated from url
trueAvatars: fetch blogger avatars from profile page, not just blogger favico
urlMyAvatar: especially if trueAvatars = false, set here the url to your avatar image. A bit faster, if set.
urlMyProfile: if you don't have a profile gadget on page, put your profile url here!
urlAnoAvatar: anonymous avatar, you can change from mystery man to a custom one, if you want
maxResultsPosts: can be empty or &max-results=### where ### is number of posts to get from posts feed to get titles
maxResultsComments: empty or &max-results=### where ### is number of comments to get from comments feed

txtWrote, txtMore and txtTooltip

These can be just normal text. If txtWrote is normal text, it is preceded by commenter name. So if txtWrote is "wrote..." the result would be Jason wrote..., if Jason was commenting.

All texts can also have simple variables, which are: [title], [user], [date], [time], [datetime] and [date format]. [title] is substituted by Post title, where comment belongs. [user] is substituted by commenter name. [date] displays date in current (user's computer's) locale, [time] displays time and [datetime] date and time in user's locale.

format in [date format]

In format some character combinations are substituted:

yyyy=long year, yy=short year, MM=month(01-12), dd=monthday,
hh=hour, mm=min, ss=sec (time/hours in 24-hour clock)

but format can contain also other text/characters (which are displayed as is).

"Written [date MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm]" could become "Written 11/03/2011 08:30".

Script has good configuration defaults, so if all this was too complicated for you, you don't have to care about it. If you don't have a profile gadget on your page, put the profile url in the code I provided, and you're ready to go. If you have a profile gadget, then you don't have to change anything, just copy and paste.

As usual, the gadget is installed on this blog.

Note: If you install this on a very high traffic blog (thousands of hits per day), I suggest you to make your own Google App Engine application to get Blogger avatars (see this article), as I'm using the free version and it might get slow on heavy load. I don't know if it will, we'll see. Or if it gets slow, just turn Blogger avatars off (trueAvatars = false), or use the newer version, which does not use the App Engine application.

Problems in Internet Explorer?

By default many Blogger templates have set Internet Explorer to use EmulateIE7. IE7 emulation has some bug with blog feeds in foreign languages that can make the gadget not show properly. You can fix this by editing the template, find line:
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
(or something similar with text "EmulateIE7"), and change it to:
<meta content='IE=EmulateIE8' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

Update Dec 29th 2011. Newer version here: Son of the better recent comments gadget.
Update Jan 2nd 2012: Deleted comments (This post has been removed by the author.) no longer have "alternate" link in comment feeds, like they used to, which can cause the recent comments to disappear. I modified the script to prevent this: line 121 is modified and line 128 is new.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Google App Engine Python tool to get Blogger avatar

Blogger avatar, or Profile image, is hard or even impossible to get using javascript. In data feeds there is only profile page link, but not the image on that profile page.

To get the image, one should open the profile page, parse the html, find profile image url, and use/load it. This cannot be done in Javascript, because profile page is in different domain ( So I did it with Google App Engine. That was quite a trip: completely new programming environment and I did not know much about Python, but I managed to get done what I wanted. Phew!

My profile page:
My avatar image:

You can try it on your user id (or any other's) in this post, if you like.
Blogger userid:  

I was going to use the avatar in javascript application as 16x16 picture, so I shrank the Profile pictures to 32x32 to minimize net traffic. Avafavico is just a name... First I thought it could also return favicons to urls that are not blogger profile, but then decided not to reinvent ( the wheel, after that the working name was BlogAva, but that domain was taken.

Here is my Python code. I don't write Python well, so any suggestions how to optimize or make the code better, are welcome! :) Thanks.

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A newer version of this Python application is here.

I've used this online application/tool in my newest recent comments gadget, which can be seen on this blog. I'll tell you another day how that is done.
See the hack
for this dynamic
views icon: