Sticky post(s) can be useful in a blog, as a featured post, as a notification of an upcoming event, some general info about blog, etc. Again, Wordpress, from where I migrated to Blogger, has this feature. And Blogger does not.
There has been two "hacks" around, until now, to make kind of sticky posts in Blogger, but both have big problems. But maybe one of them suits you, so I'll tell you about these shortly.
Date hack - not good
Publish your post. Edit the post after publishing, under Post Options set post date to somewhere in the future (for example year 2020). Now this post will be the first post in your blog, until 2020 or until you edit the date.
Problem: Messes blog's RSS feed. Your sticky post will be the latest post in the feed until 2020, and so people won't see updates from your blog in services that use RSS. This is bad.
Problem: Your post shows that it is published in the future. You can make code to hide the date but it gets complicated.
Gadget hack - not good
Go to Design, Page Layout, add HTML/Javascript gadget to page, and move it to just above the posts section. Don't give the gadget a title, write your sticky "post" in HTML to look as a post. One variation of this is to edit template html and put the "post" there.
Problem: It is not a post. You cannot comment it. You cannot see it in blog archives. And it does not appear in your Blog RSS feed, either. So for example, if you announce some upcoming event this way, your feed followers won't see it, unless they open your blog page.
Problem: your gadget/template html is shown on every page in your blog, unless you add some code to show it only on the first page, and this gets complicated.
Here is my
gadget sticky post hack, with the latter problem solved. It may be a good solution for some blogs, so check it out, here's a
Real sticky posts - excellent!
Sticky post should be a post, with normal publishing date, appearing in Blog feed. It should be easy to make a post sticky, and make a sticky post normal. Sticky posts should have a way to look different from normal posts.
My solution fulfills these requirements. Script pulls the sticky posts from the blog feed, so blog feed must be enabled in blog's settings. And also because blog feed is needed, my sticky posts hack don't unfortunately work in private blogs. You can control posts' sticky state simply by giving post a label, default is "sticky" but you can change that if you want. You can set how many sticky posts are shown at most, and if more "sticky" labels are found than this amount, then the newest posts are shown.
Edit template html. Put this code just before </body>.
Normally posts posted in same day are grouped together in Blogger layout templates, into same div element. Because of this, if you post a sticky post and a normal post with same date, also the normal post is removed from the page when sticky post is removed and placed on top of the page. To prevent this, you may want to install a simple
hack to show dates on all posts, which breaks down the "daily groups". But if you never post two posts in the same day, or edit the sticky posts' dates to be different from any other post, then it is not necessary.
You may edit the CSS styles for
stickies-container and
sticky-post, and configure the following javascript variables:
stickyLabel: the label which turns a post into a sticky post
maxStickies: maximum number of posts displayed as sticky, 1-20 (don't overdo it)
showDate: show date or not, you may want to hide it
showTitle: show post title or not
showFooter: you may want to hide the whole footer
showPostedBy: show Posted By text in footer
showCommentLink: show link to comments in footer
showLabels: show post labels in footer
showStickyLabel: show also the sticky label in the labels list, or hide it
showEmailPost: show Email Post button
showShareButtons: show the sharebuttons group or not
showShareEmail: show email button in sharebuttons
showShareBlog: show blog button in sharebuttons
showShareTwitter: show twitter button in sharebuttons
showShareFacebook: show facebook button in sharebuttons
showSharePlusone: show plus one button in sharebuttons
widthPlusone: you may want to limit this, small enough and text disappears
txtComment: singular form, used in sentence "1 comment", just the text, without number
txtComments: plural form, used in sentence "# comments", just the text, without number
txtPostedBy: text in Posted by, can have variables [user] and [time]
txtLabels: text preceding the labels list
txtMore: "Read more »" text for posts with a jump break.
dynamicMore: if true, jump break text (after "more link") is revealed dynamically
txtHideMore: text of the link to hide "more text", if dynamicMore is used (true)
Using a
jump break in a sticky post may be a good idea, so that the sticky post don't become too tall. With variable setting
dynamicMore=true the rest of the sticky post is revealed dynamically, which looks great and is faster than a full page load.
You can move the CSS style declarations to body section of the template, if you want, and add more styles to style the sticky posts (
know your way around).